Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Day Care Debate

Ok, a bit of background.  I was working full time when I had Scott.  I went back to work full time and was laid off.  I was then a full time stay at home mom for a while then got a part time retail job.

Today I was helping a guest look through some different products.  We were talking about her soon to be grandchild and she asked me if I had any kids so I was telling her about Scott.  I mentioned that I worked only part time and was mostly a stay at home mom.  She got into this BIG rant about how she thought it was so important for women to stay at home with their kids and that they aren't "raised" in day care and on and on and on.

Ok, I would LOVE to be a full time mom and housewife.  I am home a lot and I don't do as good of a job keeping up on chores and cooking as I should, so I know I need to work on that, but that being said, that is a job that I would love to do.  Do I feel that every woman should stay home with their children?  NO.  Every person's situation is different.  A lot of women want to work outside of the house full time.  Good for you.  Go be an awesome career woman.  My mom worked full time and THEN some at the business she and my dad owned and ran and I never felt like she didn't raise me, or that she wasn't there for me.  In fact, both of my parents were there for me every second of every day, while working all day and sometimes all night.  I digress....

I loved the day care that Scott was in.  I love the woman who runs it.  If it were possible (and I guess I don't know that it isn't....) I would have him there once or twice a week just for the socialization.  I think she does a fantastic job and she loved Scott, and every other child there with all of her heart.  I have a friend and old co-worker who just started a day care out of her home and she is a fantastic person.  I think day care is important MOST of all because of the socialization your child gets there.  Now granted, not all day cares are created equally.

Like I said before, every situation is different.  Financially, it's best for me to work right now and I am ok with that.  I get to work part time retail, I get to do my Scentsy thing, and I get time with Scott.