Saturday, October 15, 2011

No more drama

I never would have guessed we would be here.  I never would have guessed that it would end this way.  But it did and I am moving on, but there are some things I need to get off my chest.

You were my best friend.  You were the one who understood me inside and out.  You were the one I went to with everything.  And then something happened that started our drifting apart.  The birth of my son.

At first it was hard.  We had a falling out but I thought we worked through it.  Things were good and then something else happened.  You found the one.  You were spending all your time with him and I had my son to keep me busy and we drifted some more.

It seemed you had time for other friends and not me and it really concerned me.  I wrote you an email to tell you how I felt, not as a finger pointing but just a hey, let's get back on track and you replied back and attacked me, and compared my son to your dog (who, by the way, was your excuse to never come and see me where I live but I packed up my son and spent the night three times at your place, not including the countless times I hopped in the car and drove just under two hours to see you).  I never let my son - or my dogs for that matter - get in the way of seeing you.

And then today happened.  I was catching up on my emails when I had one from Pro Flowers reminding me about Sweetest Day (which is today) so I put up a silly post on my husband's facebook about how it is a sham holiday for Hallmark to get richer but that I loved him and you changed your status to "you are mean and nasty.  strike 2."  After I posted on my husband's account I saw that your fiance got you flowers and that is sweet.  I just think Sweetest Day and Valentine's Day are silly holidays.  I didn't know we were counting strikes, because I could name a few for you, too, but I didn't see our friendship that way.  My comment had NOTHING to do with you, and I texted you to let you know that, and you purposefully ignored it.  How do I know that?  Because shortly after I texted you, you posted a picture from your phone.

SO you know what?  I am done walking on egg shells trying to please you and make you a priority when you won't make me one.  I am so broken up and sad about this it makes me want to bawl, but I won't shed a tear for you.  I won't be sad that our 11 year friendship is over.

I do wonder, though, maybe you need to really sit back and take a good look at yourself because you had a big falling out with your then best friend a year ago, and now I am out of your life.  Maybe it's not those friends....maybe it's you.

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