Sunday, June 10, 2012

What seed are you?

Today in church the message really spoke to me.  It did the same last week, as well as pretty much every time I go!  We focused on Mark 4:1-20.  It's basically about a sower "sowing" seeds and just kind of throwing them everywhere.  Some seeds went onto stony ground, where there was not much earth and it immediately sprang up.  When the sun came out it scorched the plant because it had no root.  Some seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up around the plant, choking it so that it did not produce fruit.  And then there were the seeds that fell on good ground, that yielded fruit that sprang up and increased.

Pastor Bill goes on to talk about the different types of soils and gardening and in all of this I discover that, sadly, I am a seed that has fallen into the thorns.  There are things in my life that I need to let go of, that God wants me to let die, but until I can do that I will not be living a full and complete life.  I will not "bear fruit," so to say.  These things are not things I want to continue to think about.  I want to let them go COMPLETELY.  I want to let these things die (I don't literally want the people to die; I want my situation with them to die, to go away).  Why I am holding on to these things is beyond me.  Maybe it's because I feel like there is so much more to be said.  Or maybe it's because I feel that what was there was too good to let go of.  Or maybe it's because I still really care.  Whatever the reason, God spoke to me this morning to let these things die.  Let them go.  Everything happens for a reason.  People enter and exit your life for a reason.  Situations in your life happen for a reason.

So, tonight I will pray this prayer....

Lord Jesus, please be with me as I learn to let this situation die.  Please give me the strength to move on from what has happened and to grow from it.  I want to be the seed that flourishes and bears fruit and is bountiful.  Help me to continue to walk closer and closer with you, as I give my life to you every day to be the person You would have me to be.  I pray this in your Holy name, Amen.

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