Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby blues and baby tunes

In order to end on a happy note, I have to start out with the more serious part of this blog.  Most of you know that I was put on Zoloft for postpartum depression.  It wasn't too bad, so I was on a small dose.  Well, since I have been staying home with Scott it has gotten worse.  Don't get me wrong, I love Scott more than anything and feel so blessed to have such a sweet, precious little boy...but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed because I literally spend every second with him!  And while I enjoy spending all the time with him it can sometimes get to me.  So, I called the doctor (mama called the doctor and the doctor said.....) and the decided to double the dose I was taking.  I am writing about this because I want any new mom, or any mom with an infant to know that IT'S OK to feel that way.  It's ok to cry or to feel overwhelmed.  What isn't ok is to ignore it.  If you feel like you are going crazy or are at your wit's end, call your doctor.  There are so many moms out there who feel like that, too, and they called their doctor and are getting help.  There is nothing wrong with getting help - especially when it comes to baby.

Now, on to the fun stuff!  Those of you who know me know that I love to sing.  And those of you who know me well know I LOVE love love to make up songs.  Well, to take existing songs and change the words around.  Here are some examples:

-A bay bay - "Hey Bray Bray" (one of my dogs' name is Braylon)
-Whatta man - "Whatta baby whatta baby whatta baby what a mighty cute baby" and "you so crazy, I'm pretty sure that you're my baby"
-Power of Love - "Cause you're my baby, and I am your mom"
And my favorite - Baby Got Back- "I like cute babies and I cannot lie, you other mamma's can't deny...." and "So your baby rolls a Graco..."

Mostly, I just love singing to Scott.  Me being laid off really was a huge blessing in disguise.  I have been to blessed to be able to stay home with Scott and spend all this time with him.  Every day is a new thing, and it never gets boring, that's for sure!

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