Saturday, December 4, 2010

Living for God!

Well, I have finally found a church to attend regularly (when I am not back in my hometown visiting my parents) and I really enjoy it.  I am so proud of myself for the changes I have made!

1) I have cut back a lot on my cursing.  I know that sounds silly, but I used to swear a lot, and now I notice how much those around me swear and their choice of words.
2) I have STOPPED using the Lord's name in vain.  YES, while it is very embarrassing to say that I even did that to begin with, it was like the swearing.  It just came so easily to me.
3) I have truly opened my heart to Jesus and live for him, burn for him, and try to be the person he wants me to be.  I am cutting myself off from any kind of family drama/gossip.  For those of you who know my family or ARE my family, please do not jump to any conclusions here.  I have three different sides of family now.  Every family has their drama, whether it's big or small.  I just really wish to remove myself from all of that.  From feeling angry or hurt when people say something without thinking, or favor one more than the other, or talk about another member of the family.  I just want to get away from it and LOVE everyone.  You can't pick your family, so you might as well just decide to get over your negative feelings and just accept your family and just love them unconditionally.  God loves YOU and ME that way.  He gave His son to die for YOU and ME.  Now that's love.
4) I am trying to be the person that God wants me to be.  I want to give more.  While we aren't rich with lots of money to hand out, we are rich in love.  You can give your time, you can give homemade soup or hot chocolate.  You can give your prayers.

I like to think that I am a good person, and no good person, even a good Christian, goes without their "weak" moments, or their moments where they didn't act or say or do what God would have wanted them to do.  I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but I believe that by trying my best every day to be the woman, wife, mother, sister, cousin, friend that GOD wants me to be, then I am doing something right.

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