Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bad food! Bad, bad food!

Today was a bad food day for me.  I won't go into lots of detail here, but I am going through that special time that females go through so I am naturally out of sorts.  I had a really, REALLY bad food day.

I indulged in ice cream and fast food (ok, and I had a carmello bar) and I am feeling so guilty and bad about it!  I know that I can't just stop one eating lifestyle and start the other up and not have slip ups.  I don't at all want to make my situation out to be some sort of food addiction, because I don't think that's fair to people who actually HAVE addictions and I don't.  I don't want to make light of their situation.  But today I just could not get enough, and I let the temptation get the best of me.

I guess that means double-time on the cardio tomorrow!  :-)

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