Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 1

Weight - 230 lbs
Trainer - Tom (Tom is the man!)

Oh man!  Tom kicked my ass!  He had me do all sorts of activities.  I was working muscles I didn't know I had anymore.  I thought for a little while after our workout that I might puke.  This is going to sound weird, but, THANK YOU, Tom!

First activity - squat down with medicine ball, touch medicine ball on ground, stand up put medicine ball over head and JUMP.  I did two sets of 20.  (I need to mention that the walls are covered in mirrors).  Ummm, Tom, we need to talk.  This activity does not look good on me!  Haha!  As much as I hated it and it burned and I looked like the chubby girl who was really out of shape, I almost can't wait to do more because I know how good it is for me!  We did about 10-15 different activities, two sets of each.  As I was doing each one, some a lot tougher than others, all I could think about was the end result.  I will be healthier.  I will look better, and feel better about the way I look and the way I feel.

After our workout, Tom and I sat down and we talked numbers.  I hate the word diet, because to me it has a negative connotation.  I don't need a diet, I need a lifestyle change.  He gave me some tips on eating healthier and ways to make that easier.

I know I have a steep, up-hill battle to climb.  As hard as it is going to be, I can't help but be excited to start climbing.

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