Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 2

Weight - 223 (I don't think there has been a true drop in 7 pounds, our scale is old and rickity)

Today was awesome!  We did most of the same things as Saturday, but I was able to go at them a little faster.  One particular thing, that I couldn't do all 20 of consecutively, I was able to do today consecutively!  I felt the burn a little bit more with today's exercises.  After my workout with Tom (I keep wanting to call him Tony!) I went upstairs and hit the treadmill but only for 10 minutes.  I had a bit of a pain in my chest (NOTHING to worry about.  I am fine!) so I hopped on the bike for 10 minutes/1.3 miles.  Scott had fun playing with the other kiddos in the child care area.

Overall, it was a great workout!

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