Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello Baby Boy

I answer the phone call.  It's Deb, one of my midwives.  She asks me if I want to have a baby today (February 4th).  Of course I say yes!  I hang up the phone and tears stream down my face as I tell Nick today is the day we get to meet our son.  Today is the day we welcome our child, that, over the last 8 1/2 months have been so excited about, into the world.  We are going to become parents today.  This the best day of our lives.

We call our parents and let them know today is the day and we are on our way to the hospital.  We get there and get settled into triage and they tell us it will be a couple hours.  That's fine, that will give our family time to get here.  So we call our parents and tell them not to rush because it will be a while.  Our parents and grandparents arrive and it becomes a hurry up and wait game.

It's about 5:30 and and they tell us we are next on the list.  Nick gets his scrubs on and I have to drink some awful antacid stuff!  UGH!  We get up and towards the OR.  I head in and get my spinal and get laid down on the table.  The spinal was nothing like I thought it would be.  I was so sure it was going to be awful.  What was awful was being laid down immediately after getting it, not being able to move, and being stark NAKED on a table in an OR full of people and the most unflattering fluorescent lights!  Nick comes in and it's time to get busy.

Incision is made.  I feel pressure from them pushing on the baby.  I feel them pull the baby out.  I hear that cry.  That beautiful little cry that is my son.  He's here.  He's really here.  He is a beautiful, healthy, amazing little man and he is ours.  Our creation out of the most true, pure, intense love that two people can have for each other.  Happy Birth Day, Scott Lee.  8 lbs 6 oz 20.25 inches long.  You are beautiful. 

And then I realize something.  Exactly one week and 36 minutes after my grandpa passed away, my son was born and I can't help but think that was more than just a coincidence considering Scott is two and a half weeks early.  When one soul left the Earth another one entered, and I have a feeling that my grandpa knew it would happen that way all along.

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