Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's get this baby growing!

We have out initial doctor's appointment with my OBGYN and we are inundated with information.  Too much to process at one time!

The pregnancy progresses and I am out of my first trimester.  I was so tired all the time, but I couldn't complain because I wasn't sick.  I will take tired over sick any day.  Being pregnant was awesome!

I remember when I felt the baby first move.  I was at my mom and dad's house and I was already in bed.  My appetite had greatly increased and as I lay there my stomach growled and I thought "Ugh, not again!  I just ate before I came to bed" and as I changed positions it happened again.  I lay there debating on getting up and grabbing a snack and it happens again.  Except it doesn't feel like a stomach growl.  It feels more like little flutters, like a group of butterflies is flying around in my belly tickling me.  Then it hit me right in the face.  It's the baby!!!  Oh my gosh!  It's the baby moving!  I can feel it move!  I was so excited I couldn't go to sleep.  So I lay there with a huge smile on my face feeling the movement of that little baby growing inside of me.

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