Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You're two months old already?!

I'm skipping ahead to present day.  Scott will be 10 weeks old this Thursday (April 15th) and I can't believe how old he is getting!  He started day care this week, and he is doing really well.  He had his 2 month well baby visit Monday and that means he received his first batch of immunizations.  I was not at all prepared for his reaction to the shots.  It was the most heart-wrenching scream I had heard from him yet.  My heart just broke and I picked him up as soon as the nurses let me.  I held him close and talked softly to him and he calmed right down.  I hated the fact that he was so upset, but it warmed my heart at how just my touch and voice could soothe him.

Today at day care when I went to pick him up he was being changed and I walked into the room and started talking to him and he turned his head towards me when he heard my voice!  That was one of the coolest feelings I have ever had!  He recognized my voice!  I am amazed every day by how incredible he is, by how incredible it is that Nick and I created him, that God gave us the ability to create a life.

I love being a mommy so much.

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