Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Now what do we do?

It's our first day home.  The dogs are so excited to see us and are so curious about what daddy has in that big thing he is carrying.  We get Scott out and they can't get close enough, but we know we have to keep them back because he is too small for them to be in his face!  They finally get used to him after about a day, and they turn into his protectors.  They constantly check up on him and follow Nick and I wherever we go with him.

We take Scott to his first appointment and the doctor notices he is a little more jaundice than when we were in the hospital so they check his bilirubin.  Yep, a little high.  We schedule a re-check in a couple of days.  We go back in and it's higher yet so they put an order in for a bili-blanket.  He was on that for about 36 hours and his bilirubin levels were down and he was allowed to quit the blanket!

He dropped down to 7 lbs 5 oz when we left the hospital so the doctor wanted us to closely watch his weight.  I was having kind of a hard time breast feeding, whether it was getting him to latch on, keeping him awake or getting him to suck once he was latched on.  It was so much more physically demanding than I had anticipated, and after three weeks I stopped.  I was still able to pump, but we had to start formula.  Once we started formula he started gaining weight at a normal pace.

Whew!  We made it through the first couple weeks!

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