Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day!

We had the best night and morning!!!  Daddy gave Scott a bath and he went to sleep around 8:30.  He slept until 1:30, had a diaper change and a bottle, then went back to sleep.  He was ready to get up at 5 which is exactly what I want!  I am trying to get him into a schedule now and it's all coming together!  Nick woke up with us this morning and got around first and hung out with Scott while I got ready.  It was so nice to be up together, all of us.  Maybe tomorrow I will plan better so I can pack Nick a lunch.

If I get him up at 5:00, change his diaper and get him dressed for the day and feed him, he can hang out in his swing or bouncy seat while I get ready.  It doesn't really take me long to get ready so we (ideally) will have time to hang out or play a little bit or smile at each other for about 15-20 minutes before we have to go to day care.  I even got to stop for coffee this morning!  I called my order in ahead of time but still.....

Life is so great.

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